Introducing Sentiment Analysis

We’re proud to announce a whole new way of monitoring reviews for our Online Reputation Suite clients! Introducing Sentiment Analysis, a reviews analysis tool that will make managing your reviews easier than ever before. Reviews are a crucial part of your company’s reputation; it’s the first thing consumers search when checking a company. Client reviews also provide free valuable customer feedback. We saw the importance of monitoring client reviews and created Sentiment Analysis to help make the job easier.

Reviews are great but once you start to receive them on a larger scale, monitoring them manually becomes almost impossible – that’s when Sentiment Analysis saves the day! Sentiment Analysis goes through all the reviews and breaks them down into keywords and displays the data in a user-friendly design.

How it works

Go to Reputation Builder Manage Reviews > Insights

  1. Reviews are analyzed and keywords are generated based on the content and displayed from most used to least
  2. Get a more detailed overview of a keyword by selecting the word
  3. Keyword information is divided into three sections


  • Negative/Positive Percentages: The percentage of times the word appeared on negative and positive reviews
  • Mentions: How many times the word is mentioned in reviews
  • Reviews: The amount of reviews that use the word

Sentiment Over Time: A graph that shows how often a keyword is used overtime and if you hover over a point, you’ll see the sentiment for the date

Customers Described {Keyword} As:

  • Descriptive Word: The top descriptive words used to describe the keyword
  • Your Customer Wrote: Displays client reviews that use the keyword. You can also filter the reviews by descriptive words by selecting a descriptive word from the list.

Sentiment Analysis allows you to easily go through your reviews no matter the scale and gain deeper insight into your customers’ needs through their feedback. We’re proud to release new features that will improve your experience and help you grow your brand and we know that Sentiment Analysis will prove to be an incredibly useful tool in growing and managing your online reputation.

Have a large number of clients and don’t know how to reach them in bulk? Contact us so we can help you.

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